What kind of the Batak past - Over time, certain things will change. Starting from the influence of the environment to technology. What I see now is the Batak people who have adapted to the environment because as time goes. However, whether you ever wondered what kind of person Batak past?
Maybe opung we still see how the Batak people in olden times. However, like me, Batak people who practically still young, have never seen how the past Batak people.
I found several photos that depict the past Batak people. Probably from some of these photos, we can see how they are in the old days.
Parbaringin Meeting (traditional elders) to determine a good day for the celebration of "Mangan Horbo Bius", Samosir.
Dance (Manortor), Simanindo-1971
Ucok, Simanindo 1970.
Sisingamangaraja stamp paper Jawi (Arabic bald) translatable half, reads: "This is the stamp emperor Toba village in the country town names hijrat Bakara prophet 1304" - This is the seal of the Great Lord (emperor) in the land of the Toba Whose residence is in Bakara. 1304 H. (Muller).
Not just on top of just the pictures, but there are many more. You can find it directly at the museum TB Silalahi Center.
TB Silalahi Center
Located on the shores of Lake Toba, precisely in the complex of TB Silalahi Center, Village Stone Fence, District Balige, Toba Samosir regency, North Sumatra. Batak Museum was performed with ethnic nuance, but futuristic.
Standing on an area of 180 square meters, the museum replica Batak collecting relics Batak tribal ancestors thousands of years ago. A variety of historical objects, ranging arts equipment, household appliances, religion and belief systems on display at the museum.
What kind of the Batak past
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